A Medical institution is continuously required to improve their management system and service quality for their patients. It is not easy for them to manage these problems by their own, due to a variety of factors interwoven with among their facilities, funds, doctors, medical practitioners, medical device manufacturers, and patients. We,Medical Facility Management Inc. has been established as a total solution company to manage and solve all of such problems and enhance their capability.

The importance of a role to interface among medical device manufacturers, medical facilities, and patients is increasing. We procure and supply suitable medical devices satisfying with the medical facilities, support the medical information and technologies, and implement technical assistances in the conviction of our slogan “be secure, reliable, and contributive.”

We offer a total solution for medical facilities with introducing related equipment and systems for medical facilities such as nurse call systems, security gates, surveillance cameras, etc. and also offer high quality medical consumables. Further we investigate and diagnose the medical facilities and then propose efficient and advanced facilities/equipment for reducing recurrent cost such as electricity charges, water charges, etc.

Besides domestic services, we also import and export medical consumables such as surgical gloves, masks, and catheters. We also handle a variety of imported/exported goods through our onlineshopping site and expand our business globally.